A lottery is a method of distributing something (usually money or prizes) among people by chance. The term is generally used to describe a game of chance that uses tickets or entries and is regulated by law. It may also refer to a process whereby a prize is awarded by lot, or to a system of awarding public money or goods. The oldest surviving records of a public lottery date from the Low Countries in the 15th century, where towns raised funds for walls and town fortifications and to help the poor by offering chances to buy tickets.
In the United States, lottery games began to gain popularity in the nineteen-sixties, when increasing awareness of all the money that could be made in the gambling business collided with a crisis in state funding. In the wake of a booming population, inflation, and the costs of the Vietnam War, state governments found themselves straining to balance their budgets. Many had to choose between raising taxes or cutting services, and both options were wildly unpopular with voters.
Increasingly, states turned to lotteries as a painless alternative. They were cheap to organize, easy for the public to understand, and offered the potential for enormous winnings. In addition, they could be run without the expense of advertising or the political headaches associated with imposing new taxes.
Lottery prizes are usually cash. A percentage of the total amount is paid to winners, with the rest going toward administrative costs and profit for the promoter. The size of the prizes can vary widely, but most lotteries feature a single large prize along with several smaller ones.
Some lotteries are run by private companies and are not regulated by any government body. Others are run by state or local governments and are regulated by the gaming laws of the jurisdiction in which they operate. A few are purely charitable, awarding prizes to the needy.
While most people will admit that they like to gamble, it is not as common for them to realize what kind of impact the lottery can have on society at large. This is a major problem because it means that the lottery is promoting itself to people who are not as aware of its downside as those who play for fun.
The underlying theme in the short story “The Lottery” is the sins of humanity. The author Shirley Jackson uses the names of the families to portray the evil nature of humans, and her use of language also suggests that she is condemning humankind. It is obvious that Jackson wants her readers to feel the same way about the lottery. Her portrayal of unhappy characters shows her desire to convey the sense of injustice that a lottery can bring about in a small village setting.